This morning I woke up to this!
Last year for valentines day Nick and I celebrated by playing monopoly and eating homemade fried chicken and french fries. Haha, it was very high class! So this year I was determined to up the stakes. We celebrated ALL weekend. Friday night we went with our friends Tyler and Jenny to the Olive Garden and then to the movies to see "Just Go With It" (thumbs up) . Then Saturday we stayed in just the two of us and I fixed a fancy steak dinner and we watched "Life as We Know It" (thumbs down). And then to top it all off my sweet hubby surprised me with flowers this morning! Now I know valentines day is a total hallmark holiday but I am such a sucker for it. For those of you who may not have a significant other I highly recommend pampering yourself today and go see a guilty pleasure movie by yourself, and remember that all us married ladies secretly envy the fact that you can go do that. ;)

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