Saturday, February 12, 2011

Our next Adventure

We are going to Malibu! Not the California one but the Malibu Club Young Life camp in Canada! For those of you who don't know it is located 100 miles north of Vancouver. Nick has done one of his many internships with Young Life at this camp. We are beyond excited for this opportunity. It came at a time where we were starting to lose hope we would ever find jobs. We had been looking for employment for over 4 months here in Indiana and had a few interviews but no job offers. And then right when we were on the brink of depression God orchestrated this amazing opportunity. Things fell into place so flawlessly there was no denying God had his hand in it all. Nick has only spent one summer there but it has impacted him so significantly it makes me excited to be apart of it with him this time. We will be leaving March 1st from Indiana and then be traveling to California. Because we are taking the dog with us we are going to take our time crossing the country. This will be Nick's 11th time driving cross country and he usually does it in 3 days. We will be stopping in Kansas City, Denver (staying 2 days), Salt Lake City and then on to Chico where will be leaving Harley and staying a couple of weeks. After that we are going to head to Oregon where our stuff is still in storage. Also a good excuse to stop back at the Washington Family Ranch and visit with our friends there!

Below are some pictures of Malibu. Simply breathtaking if you ask me! :)

The office where I will be working

The inner dock

We are so sad to leave the friends and community that we have gained here in Indiana but are looking forward to this next step in life. Many have asked what we are planning to do after the summer and the answer is simple... Only God knows!

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