Saturday, February 19, 2011


I would like to introduce you to my sisters family Kevin, Leah and Eliana Book-Satterlee!

Kevin and Leah have been raising support for over two years to become missionaries in Spain with LAM (Latin American Missions). It has been a long journey for them and their daughter Eliana, but they have finally neared the end. They are currently waiting for their work visas and finishing up their final support raising. Here is where YOU come in! They have been traveling all over the US to various churches and friends to raise the support they need before they can leave. For now they have exhausted almost all their contacts and are only $500/month away from their goal. They need a total of $5,500 pledged each month in order to make the move. I ask that if you are able, to please support them or send this link to at least 3 people that you think may be able to help! This is an amazing opportunity to be apart of. If you would like to learn more about their journey you can go to

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