Saturday, April 2, 2011


So I know Seattle is rainy but I guess I didn't really get it till we were here. It rains ALL the time! Haha, granted we are only here for a week but still, so not a fan of the weather. On the other hand we have had countless nights of playing Carcassonne with our friend Stefphan. Oh did I mention that Nick and I got addicted to this game when we were in California. Well before we left Chico Nick really wanted to buy it for the summer. We passed because it was $30. Then we get to Portland and he/we still couldn't get it off our minds so we went to another game store just to LOOK at it. By now I should know that when we go "look" we end up buying (i.e. Harley). We not only bought the game but the $75 version with FIVE expansion packs!!!

Here is the kicker, if we had only planned a little better we could have gotten it online for probably half the price. But we didn't. And you know what I don't regret it! We are addicted!

Along with that Nick has been working on his last project he has to finish before we cross the border. We got an e-mail back from his client with very minimal changes that are needed! It has been a month long process and during which we didn't even know if his computer was going to hold up or not, we thank the Lord it has. We can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel!

I am so excited to get to camp. Just to get back into a daily routine. The downside of all this traveling is that it has taken a toll on my body. Stress is a key trigger for me and my FM. It could be as little as travelling all day that sends me into major pain. So the thought of being in a remote place with two months before it is flooded with campers gets me VERY excited. Don't get me wrong I am very excited for the campers to arrive but I am definitely in need of a recovery time before my body can handle that. I do ask for continued prayer as I do enter those summer months that I will learn to be more in tune with my body and relax so that I don't trigger my FM.

For those still waiting on pics of the new hair you will have to wait. :( The weather has been so yucky I haven't wanted to put tons of effort in my hair for it to just get ruined the minute I walk out the door. So it probably won't be till we get to the camp. But I promise, soon!

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